Body hair can be an unwelcome change, especially for teenage girls. Of course, it’s not essential to remove body hair, and your daughter might prefer to keep it au naturel. If they want to start shaving though, it’s good to be prepared with tips and tricks for looking after their skin. Developing a healthy hair removal routine will help reduce irritation and help your teen get the best possible results from her first experience with shaving.
When to talk to your teen about shaving
There’s no set rule. We’re all different, and your teen might develop at a different rate to others. She might approach you about shaving, or you might notice increased body hair and choose to start that conversation.
Remember that whether or not she shaves is totally her choice. There’s nothing wrong with body hair, and she doesn’t have to remove it if she doesn’t want to.
How to talk to your teen about shaving
Your teen might be feeling a bit unsure about her body changes, and she might feel a bit embarrassed too. She’ll feel much better with you on her side. Gently let her know that you’re there to teach her if she wants to start shaving and reassure her that there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.
If she isn’t interested in shaving, it’s important to let her know that that’s totally fine too.
What razor should my daughter use when first learning to shave?
Basic hygiene rules are a good place to start when teaching your daughter to shave. Remind your teen that sharing razors is a big no-no because that could lead to infection or irritation.
Let her choose her own razor and remind her how important it is to use that razor just for herself. If you choose a razor brand like ours, she can pick out her favourite colour and personalise her handle with her name. This might help to make the process more special.
What shaving safety tips should I teach my daughter?
While shaving blades are made to be as safe as possible, nicks, cuts and irritation can all happen (especially for inexperienced shavers!).
- Remind your daughter to use sharp blades each time she shaves (a shaving subscription like ours makes that a breeze)
- Give your teen a hydrating shaving cream to help reduce irritation (our Shave Cream is your go-to)
- Let her know how important it is to moisturise after shaving (pick a product like our soothing Post-Shave Balm)
How do I teach my daughter how to shave?
While shaving might be second nature to you, it will be totally new for your daughter. It’s a good idea to teach her how to shave all the areas she might want to remove hair, so she knows how to safely take care of her legs, armpits and bikini line.
Some handy tips include:
- Take your time! Rushing often leads to cuts or nicks
- Soak the area in warm water before shaving
- Use shaving cream and hydrate after hair removal
- Don’t press too hard
- Shave in the right direction for the area being shaved
What direction should you shave in?
- Legs: shave from the ankles upwards in long, gentle strokes
- Armpits: shave in all directions
- Bikini line: shave in the direction of hair growth, then against the hair growth if needed
How often should my teen daughter shave?
Honestly, it’s up to her. Often, body hair appears in different areas at different rates during puberty. That means she might not need to shave certain areas very often (if at all). Other times, she might want to shave more regularly to keep her body hair at bay. Just remember that shaving certain areas every day might cause irritation (especially for sensitive skin).
Keep the lines of communication open and let her know that she can talk to you about anything. That way, you can provide her with the best advice for where she’s at.
Including all of the first shave essentials, you can shop our first shave starter set for just £15!